General Regulations:

All residents must register at the front office. (Currently on-going)
Slow down, drive slow
DO NOT throw cigarette butts or any other trash on the ground, in the pond, or another area.
10:00 pm - 7:00 am will be quiet time. Respect your neighbor.
If someone complains about loud noise or music within quiet time hours, music will be turned off and all guests must leave.
Stay off the grass
You are responsible for your visitors
Fishing pond is for residents and guests only. If you see someone that is not a guest or resident please let us know.
No Swimming in the pond
Pet owners:
All pets must be kept on a leash
Residents are responsible for picking up their pet(s) waste.
Fees will be charged for any damage done by your guest pet(s) or your pet(s)
Do NOT leave trash out overnight.
Trash service will be suspended at this time. Residences will be required to bring their own trash to the dumpsters in front of the park. The time it takes Killer to pick-up your trash and bring it to the road, animals and the environment are spreading trash around the park. We need everyone's help on this. Beautification of Cajun Haven RV Park will be our ongoing mission to improve day-to-day living for all residents.
Common courtesy shall prevail between all persons in the park. Respect the privacy of your neighbor and guests. Profane, abusive, harassing, threatening language or actions directed at park personnel or other guests is unacceptable and could result in eviction.
Vehicles and site occupancy:
No parking on adjacent/vacant sites.
No vehicle repairs or maintenance may be done in the park unless approved by management.
In the process of establishing a relationship with a towing company. In the future, any vehicle not registered with the office. Cajun Haven RV Park reserves the right to tow vehicles out of the park at vehicle owner's expense.
Damages and personal liability: Any guest or visitor that willfully or negligently damages or destroys park property, landscaping or equipment will be held liable for the value to repair or replace the damaged items property. The responsible party(s) may be evicted for willful damage.
Right to refuse/Evict/Deny access: Cajun Haven RV Park is a privately-owned campground. Management reserves the right to refuse services, evict or deny access to anyone, under any circumstances it deems necessary, in accordance with applicable local, state and federal laws. There will be no refunds.
These rules and regulations were established to maintain high standards of cleanliness, safety, and maintenance, and with a “Good Neighbor Policy” in mind.
Policy changes: Since every contingency cannot be covered in a set of rules, from time to time, modification may be necessary. Management reserves the right to make changes deemed necessary to these rules and regulations at any time, without prior notice.
Pond Rules:
Golf Cart Rules:
Cancellation Policy:
Refund Policy:
Terms of Service: