November 2021: News Letter
Big things are happening around Cajun Haven RV Park. As you can see the old bath house has been torn down and 2 new dirt pads have been installed. You may have also noticed 2 new metal buildings have been delivered. One of the buildings will be the new bath house and the other building will be the new washeteria. Both buildings will need to be brought up to code. This will take some time but we are actively preparing these buildings to pass city code. We anticipate both the new bath house and washeteria to be operational by March of 2022.
We need your help:
We have made huge strides to make the park look the best it can. We still need your help policing up litter and not leaving trash out overnight.
We also encourage everyone to wash their campers before the weather gets too cold. For a small fee the front office can coordinate someone to clean your camper for you if you don’t have the time.
Coming Soon:
Bulk Ice and filtered water machine. We have made a deposit on the machine and will be located near the entrance of the park. Projected to be running January 2022.
Currently working with the Postmaster to get a functional postal sorting program, so you don’t have to wait for your mail
Things to Come:
Large drainage pipe will be installed to take water from the back of the park. Some pipe has been delivered but still waiting on the remainder to begin project.
New culverts, ditches and drainage
Total rehabilitation of the front and pond lots which include plumbing, electrical, and water
Road improvements with the possibility of asphalting the entrance and front row
We have not ruled out fixing the pavilion, just currently drainage and other projects will take precedence. Give us some time and we will develop future plans to improve the pavilion
Safety and cleanness are still top priorities. We are working very closely with the power company to get quotes on fixing and adding lighting. Thanks everyone for your continued support. We are dedicated to improving Cajun Haven RV Park for the betterment of all Residents. We all thank you for your understanding through this transition.
To stay update on all the progress happening at Cajun Haven RV Park follow us on Facebook.
